I went back to the smartest man I know for help. Albert Einstein, I went to his theory of relativity, especially the Special Relativity past. This sections is where his famous equation of E=MC(2). In this section he describes how energies are transformed. Einstein's theory of special relativity states that the express fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other. The equation, E=MC(2), the increase of the relativistic mass (M) of a body multiplied by the
speed if light squared (c2) is EQUAL to the kinetic energy (E) of that body.
In simple terms... energy has mass, and how fast the energy travels can determine how MUCH mass is delivered onto or toward an object, thus creating ( what I call ) Paranormal Kinetic Energy (PKE) which in turn is transformed into (again my term) Paranormal Kinetic Force (PKF).
This energy can be focalized upon an object of interest by the entity. Therefore, allowing this entity to move or touch an object. The amount of energy focused on an object and at the speed of which it is focused created the PKF.
Einstein stated that all things are energy and that energy can not be created or destroyed, it simply takes a different form. If this is true, then we are all nothing more than containers of a specific energy that transforms into another form of energy.
So here is my definition to these two new phrases I have came up with... (I think)
Paranormal Kinetic Force - A phenomenon created by an unexplainable energy that manipulates a physical object to cause said object to spontaneously move or create sound by exerting said energy upon a tangible object for the purpose of creating sound.
I know I am not a physicist nor am I an expert of relative energy. This is just something I came up with is response to my experience and how I am able to wrap my mind around what occurred.
I am still trying to create a reasonable definition from the PKE - Paranormal Kinetic Energy.
Well, at least I am trying to contemplate a rational and theoretical explanation for these phenomenon.