Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why did I become a ghost hunter?

I got into "ghost hunting" some where around 1997. It wasn't called ghost hunting then, it was more of individual people exploring the unknown and paranormal events.

I have had numerous personal experiences with paranormal occurrences. I don't know why or what caused it or what linked me to these events, I just know they happened. I had several situations where I seen some sort of "ghost". When I was younger, about 8 or 10, I seen this …. black misty, "thing" flow out of my parents bathroom into their room and come across the ceiling toward my room. It was FREAKY!! It looked like some sort of black liquid that spilled out over the doorway, but on the ceiling. Then it began to flow towards my room! I quickly jumped out of bed slammed my door and called out to my parents.

Well, they were not happy because "Little Roger" was not sleeping, but was up "messing around". I guess parents don't believe children because they look at it as an "excuse" to not go to bed, but this happened and I was so mad at them for not believing me. I had situations since then, but nothing as eventful. Then I had my second most memorable event. I was about 18 or 19, I was working for a grocery store during my summer between my 11th grade and 12th grade year. I worked nights night so I slept during the day. I was off that night and my alarm began to sound. I was so groggy and sleepy, but I was about to get up to turn it off when I saw him. This older man, he was short about 5ft 5inches and had a flat top hair cut. He wore brown slacks, a white short sleeve button up, with suspenders and a pocket protector or glass case in the shirt pocket.

Now, I know what your thinking.. that's a hell of a lot of detail in such a short moment. You're absolutely correct too. But that moment was seared into my mind! Cause as he walked across the room to turn it off , he waved at me like "go back to sleep. I'll get it"   I laid back down then jolted up!! Cause I was the ONLY person home!! By the time I got back up, which seemed like seconds was 2 hours!! I frantically searched the house for anyone, but all the doors were still locked.

I kept the incident to myself for YEARS! My parents already thought I was nuts for believing in Bigfoot and the like, I wasn't going to add fuel to the fire! Then about 20 years later, me and my mother were going through old photos, and I came across a picture that made me freeze. I asked my mom, " who is that guy?" She said that's my grandpa, he died when I was a little girl." Then I told her the story, she didn't believe it at first, then said, he always said he would look after me.

So after these two huge incidents in my life I began to question, is it possible people can come back or stay as ghosts? I thought we all faced judgement instantaneously when we died, you go to heaven or hell.. that's it. Thus began my quest! I had always read about ghosts, demon, and spirits. But now I was determined to UNDERSTAND what was going on versus ACCEPTING what was going on.
News flash... I still don't understand completely ! lol Each time I think I find an answer, I find 6 more questions.

But the further I go , the more I learn and do understand. Its more of a continuous adventure or ladder to climb. I don't think we were truly meant to understand the paranormal world. We are just here to coexist with it, and that has become my mission, to help others understand the occurrences in their workplace or home and to help them coexist with these events. Some of which are nothing more than replaying energies. My quest is not over and far from it, but I look forward to the coming adventures this path has set before me!!

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